Dunnet Forestry Trust

We are a community owned forest providing amenity walks and spaces for the local community. We run various volunteering opportunities to care for, develop and maintain the Forest.

We gained our community forest status in 2021, our aim is to provide a safe and enjoyable environment for everyone in our community, and to develop health and wellbeing activities free at the point of access and develop our all-abilities trails and activities.

We are a Scottish Charity, the Dunnet Forest Trust is run by volunteers. We have 3 part time employees one of which is part of SCVO project funding to support skills and employment in a rural area. 

To finance our operations, we run a monthly public log sale. The wood comes from our clearance of the windblown tress, processed by our part-time forester and volunteers. 

The entire Forest sits within a SSSI and contains many protected species such as Juniper and Primula Scotia. NatureScot who oversee SSSIs approve each 25-year Long Term Forestry Plan we have in place to manage the transition of our Forest from experimental forestry plantation to mixed broadleaf and evergreen amenities woodland.

Our volunteering activities range from our weekly Green Gyms (Thursdays and Sundays) to a new Wildlife Watch group for young adventures every second Saturday of the month.

We are open 24/7 to the public and there are probably many more groups we don't know about enjoy what the Forest has to offer.

Website: www.Dunnetforest.org

Facebook address: https://www.facebook.com/dunnetcommunityforest/