National Care Service - what's your view?

CHEX is preparing to develop a submission to the Scottish Government’s National Care Service consultation and we’d like to invite our network to help shape our response.

The Scottish Government’s consultation paper sets out the key areas being consulted upon, including:

  • Ensuring that care is person-centred, human rights based, and is seen as an investment in society

  • Making Scottish Ministers responsible for the delivery of social care support, with the establishment of a National Care Service to deliver and oversee integration, improvement and best practices across health and social care services.

  • Changing local Integration Joint Boards to be the delivery arm of the National Care Service, funded directly from the Scottish Government

  • The nurturing and strengthening of the workforce, and

  • Greater recognition and support for unpaid carers.

The consultation follows on from February’s Independent Review of Adult Social Care report, which concluded that whilst there were strengths of Scotland’s social care system it needed revision and redesign to enable a step change in the outcomes for the people in receipt of care.

The deadline for responses is 2nd November 2021.

Help shape CHEX’s submission

CHEX intends to develop a submission to the consultation. We would encourage those in community-led health to contribute their own responses to the consultation. At the same time, we would also like to invite anyone who wants to help shape CHEX’s repsonse to get in touch and let us know their ideas and/or concerns around the National Care Service consultation.

So please get in touch, even if just to have a chat or to find out more. Contact Andrew Paterson at CHEX, email or phone 07507107585.

Further information

  • The Scottish Government’s National Care Service consultation page contains the consulation paper and submission forms. Click here to open in a new window.

  • Outside the Box have created a really good introductory guide to the consultation, including a summary of what a National Care Service for Scotland is all about as well as some tips for responding to the consultation. Open Outside the Box’s guide in a new window.